Hear Executive Director Sean Milner Interview on AFR
  • 7 Residential Campuses
  • 100% Donor Funded
  • Trauma-Informed Care

Thousands of Mississippi families face temporary circumstances that lead to permanent trauma.

We believe that when the right support is paired with the hope of Jesus Christ, at-risk children and families can not only overcome their challenges and avoid state custody — they can find true hope, healing, and happiness.

Join us in providing this life-changing support.

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A Comprehensive, Trauma-Informed Approach

Meet Physical Needs

Meet Physical Needs

Caring for at-risk children and families begins with making sure their basic physical needs, like food and safe housing, are met.

Provide Emotional Support

Provide Emotional Support

Trauma can impact every part of our lives. We offer counseling, parenting and life skills training to help children and families grow into healthy adults.

Offer Spiritual Hope

Offer Spiritual Hope

True hope and healing is ultimately found in Jesus Christ. It is this truth that we want the children and families of our state to know personally and deeply.

Our Services

Residential Programs

This program is designed to meet the long term needs for children ages 1 through 20. Children live in a cottage with other children and Christian house parents on one of our 7 campuses throughout the state.


Non-Residential Programs

The In-Home Family Support Program is designed to aid families that are near the point of collapse. We provide a range of services to help families reach goals to create a home that is safe and stable for children.


A tangible way to love your neighbor as yourself.

Since 1897, we’ve provided care for thousands of children in Mississippi because of generous donors like you.

How We Are Funded
How We Are Funded

When you give, you make it possible for us to reach more than 200 children a year with the good news of Jesus Christ that says:

You are safe.
You are heard.
You are loved.
You are not alone.
You are valued.
You have a Savior – Jesus Christ.
In Him there is hope.

Want to see the difference you can make?

Watch the video below to hear about the good things happening within the ministry.

Transform Lives for Eternity

  1. 1. Give a One-Time or Recurring Gift
  2. 2. We Serve At-Risk Children & Families
  3. 3. Lives and Legacies are Eternally Transformed

Give Now

In addition to financial support, there are specific projects and needs at each residential campus. Click here to learn more.

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Do you know a child or family who needs our services?

Make a Referral


  • CORE
  • Mississippi Baptists
  • Mississippi Baptist Foundation
  • MS Department of Child Protection Services
  • BCCF