Hear Executive Director Sean Milner Interview on AFR

Become a Houseparent

“You build a relationship with them and you have a bond just like we might with our own kids. You see them accept Christ and then you have an eternal bond with them. You know many times you are just sowing seeds but when you get to be a part of the harvest, that’s really sweet.”

– BCV Housemother Professional

What does life look like as a houseparent professional at The BCV?
What does life look like as a houseparent professional at The BCV?

As the primary caregiver for the children and youth in your cottage you will help children with things like:

  • Transportation
  • Homework
  • Laundry
  • Cooking meals

Our goal is that life in our cottages models that of a healthy, Christian home environment.

Houseparents must be cooperative and comfortable working in a team environment.

Apply Now

Frequently Asked Questions

You must be mature, Christian adults with personal integrity, character, and of good reputation. You must be in good physical, mental and emotional health.

They receive a competitive salary in addition to the following benefits:

  • 100% paid medical benefits
  • Dental/Vision are offered at a low rate
  • Mental health coverage
  • Life Insurance/Retirement Plan
  • Housing with a private bedroom, utilities, meals, and transportation are provided while on duty
  • Off-duty housing is available if needed
  • They are commissioned as Mississippi Baptist Missionaries

Houseparent professionals work with a campus team that includes a campus director, case manager, and houseparent professionals who provide support for the daily work. The Support Center, local churches and volunteers are also actively involved in providing for the day-to-day needs of each campus.

Each campus sets their own rotation schedule. A typical houseparent professional rotation is 14 days on and 7 days off.

Do you have more questions?

Complete the Houseparent Professional Interest Form to ask questions or ask for more information about the position.

Ready to Apply?

  1. Complete an application

    Click here to print the application.

  2. Submit your application

    Email it to Karen Rikard, Director of Human Resources at krikard@bcvms.com or you may mail it to The Baptist Children’s Village, ATTN: HUMAN RESOURCES, PO Box 27, Clinton, MS, 39060-0027. If you need to speak directly with Mrs. Rikard, please call 601-952-2422.

  3. We will be in touch

    We will contact you once your application is reviewed about next steps.

Do you know a child or family who needs our services?

Make a Referral


  • CORE
  • Mississippi Baptists
  • Mississippi Baptist Foundation
  • MS Department of Child Protection Services
  • BCCF