Chrystelle Thames, APR, Director of Communications

Chrystelle Thames, APR, Director of Communications 

Chrystelle Thames joined the Public Relations Department at The Baptist Children’s Village in June of 1982.  She received her Bachelor of Science and Master Science Degrees in Communications from Mississippi College.  Chrystelle is past president of the Public Relations Association of Mississippi Board and has served on the Southern Public Relations Federation Board.  She is also a member of the Southern Baptist Child Care Communications and Development Group.  Chrystelle is a BCV alumnus and brings a unique perspective to her role as the ministry spokesperson.  She has also served as an advocate for children in volunteer leadership roles in the Jr. Auxiliary of Clinton, local PTA organizations and in the prayer ministry at her church.

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  • CORE
  • Mississippi Baptists
  • Mississippi Baptist Foundation
  • MS Department of Child Protection Services
  • BCCF