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Residential Child Caring Program

Residential Child Caring Program


This program is available for children ages 1 through 20. It is designed to provide long-term care until the child may be reunited with their family or placed in another caring family environment.

Some of our residents remain in our care until they are equipped to live independently.

  How does the program work?

   Each child is provided a Case Manager who coordinates their daily and long-term care.

   This includes:

  • Developing a long-term permanency plan
  • Arranging for regular visitation with family and friends
  • Acting as liaison with parent/custodian, school, healthcare providers, MDCPS and anyone else involved in their care

What does life look like for residents?

Our goal is to model a natural family living environment for children.

  • Live in one of our 12 cottages
  • Cared for by houseparents
  • May share a bedroom with one other child
  • Attends a local public school
  • Participates in extracurricular activities
  • Attends a local Baptist church
  • Recreational activities on and off campus

Services Available for Residents

  • Individual and group counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Spiritual discipleship
  • Academic tutoring
  • Social skills training
  • Routine healthcare

A trauma-informed approach to

meeting the needs of at-risk

children and families.

Too often well-meaning organizations cause more trauma to at-risk children and families in their efforts to provide help. It’s not intentional, just uninformed.

Our staff is trained to recognize trauma and respond to the needs of children and families by creating a physically, psychologically, and emotionally safe environment.

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Do you know a child or family who needs our services?

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  • CORE
  • Mississippi Baptists
  • Mississippi Baptist Foundation
  • MS Department of Child Protection Services
  • BCCF