Hear Executive Director Sean Milner Interview on AFR

VBS Request

Vacation Bible School 2025

Thank you for your interest in connecting with The Baptist Children’s Village during your Vacation Bible School. Free VBS name tags are back by popular demand.  We also are again offering opportunities to host a BCV speaker for VBS and opportunities for a VBS mission project.  In addition, free silicone BCV wrist bands and reproducible mission activity pages. We hope all of these things will help you teach your children about missions in Mississippi and serving children and families who come from or are in hard places. Please use this link to place your order for any and all of these things.

Mission Project;

The Baptist Children’s Village has some on-going needs that you can easily use as a mission project. You can do it as a VBS project or rally your entire church around a project this summer.  Needs list:  Freezer and food storage bags (all sizes), paper plates and cups, paper towels, bathroom tissue, facial tissue, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, trash bags (kitchen size and large), and cleaning supplies.

Please email me, Celeste Cade Hickman, or call 601-952-2422 with your questions.  Thank you for your care and support  of The Baptist Children’s Village ministry to at-risk Mississippi children and families.

Place Your VBS Order Here

Download Activity Sheets

Celeste Cade Hickman
BCV Partner Ministries Department

Do you know a child or family who needs our services?

Make a Referral


  • CORE
  • Mississippi Baptists
  • Mississippi Baptist Foundation
  • MS Department of Child Protection Services
  • BCCF