Hear Executive Director Sean Milner Interview on AFR

How You Can Help

You can share the love of Christ with at-risk children and families by becoming a BCV volunteer.

The ministry of The Baptist Children’s Village is made possible by an army of donors and volunteers who want to see the families of Mississippi thrive for the glory of God.

Yes, it takes money to operate this ministry and financial gifts are important for this work to succeed, but there are many other ways you can partner with us.

Five Ways You Can Make a Difference

Volunteer on Campus

From light office work to roof repair and Christmas parties to cookouts we have volunteer opportunities for just about anyone.

You can come as an individual or bring a group.

Contact Tim McWilliams for volunteer opportunities at: tmcwilliams@bcvms.com or 601.952.2422.

Campus Projects & Needs

Each campus has its’ own set of needs. From furniture to building updates and repairs you can choose to meet a specific need at one of our cottages.

You can also coordinate a project with your church or civic group.

Download Project Ideas

See Specific Needs List

Invite Us to Speak

The more people who know about the work of The BCV the more children and families we can support.

Invite one of our speakers to come share with your church, missions group, or civic organization about the work happening at The BCV.

Speakers come free of charge.

Request a Speaker

Engage & Share on Social Media

When you follow, engage, and share the work of The BCV on social media more people learn about what we’re doing and connect with this ministry.

Click the links below to follow and share!

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Join Our Email List

Hear stories of the good work God is doing through The BCV in our periodic email updates.

This is the best way to keep up with the successes, needs, and opportunities of this ministry.

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Just like there’s more than one way to volunteer on a campus, there’s more than one way to give.

Explore Giving Options


  • CORE
  • Mississippi Baptists
  • Mississippi Baptist Foundation
  • MS Department of Child Protection Services
  • BCCF