Hear Executive Director Sean Milner Interview on AFR

Campus Projects and Needs

Campus Projects & Needs

Volunteers are an integral part of our ministry. Indeed, it is because of the generosity of thousands of volunteers throughout our history that The Baptist Children’s Village has been able to provide quality care for countless children. Below you will find a list of possible volunteer opportunities, specific needs by campus, and a campus “Wish List.” You can also download a supply list of ongoing cottage needs – great for VBS, WMU, and group projects. For more information about these projects, contact Tim McWilliams, Director of Partner Ministries at 601-952-2422.

Click here to download Project Ideas

Projects and Needs

Do you know a child or family who needs our services?

Make a Referral


  • CORE
  • Mississippi Baptists
  • Mississippi Baptist Foundation
  • MS Department of Child Protection Services
  • BCCF